
Havre De Luxe
A supplier of handbag & shoe protectancts designed
to help luxury goods last a lifetime.
The primary focus of the Havre homepage was to communicate the brands concern for the safety and preservation of it's users most valued items.
Explore Page
The explore page was designed to showcase the broad range of products available, helped the customer find exactly what they were looking for with the potential to upsell additional accessories. The diverse could also build more trust new customer as it shows the brand is specialised in this area.
Gift Card
The gift card page was an existing feature on the clients current website and performed well. A much sleeker, more modern look was given to improve the overall brand image.
Product Page
The standard (Default) product page was intended to be as simple as possible. Making use of clean, simple colours and iconography to guide the user through it's intended purpose without overwhelming them.
Custom Product Page
The addition of a second, more customisable product page was specifically requested by the client so that they could add more detailed descriptions & options for specific products.
Product Results Page
The product category page shows how the products would typically appear beside one another once a category had been selected.